To maintain our Reputation of Dealers of Genuine and High Quality products, we never compromise in Quality. Every new product we add, we make sure the quality is of the highest standard. Our main focus is that Customers feel relaxed and tension-free about buying parts as it can be a stressful activity. Our consistency in Quality has allowed us to become the biggest name in the spare parts market. We put our personalized Hologram in all of our products to assure buyers that the product is Genuine and of High Quality.
Our Mission is to provide the best Quality and Genuine Replacement parts in Bangladesh. To be known as importer of only Genuine Parts. Customers should trust that a product with Hajee Hologram is Genuine and High Quality. Every new supplier we add has to have the best production facilities and a Big Reputation in the automotive industry around the world. Suppliers in turn trust Hajee to sell their products because of our pre-existing reputation in Bangladesh as a supplier of Quality Automotive Parts.
Quality : We ensure that the Quality of our product is of the highest Standard
Integrity : We are consistent in our approach to providing the best quality products
Genuine : We ensure every product we sell is Genuine
Respect : From our Chairman to our warehouse clerk, we maintain very good behaviour with our customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.
BIO : Our Company Honorable Chariman; 'Mohammadur Rahman' is the Current and Five time president of Bangladesh Motor Parts & Tire Tube Association & also the member of Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FBCC), member of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JBCCI). Mr Rahman has created the brand Image of Hajee of being importers of Genuine and High Quality Products.
BIO : Masters in Strategic Marketing from Aston Business School 2016. Undergraduate in Management from Cass Business School 2015. Since joining in 2017, he has learned the Automotive Market Extensively. With his background in the area of Strategic Marketing, he was able to understand how important Branding is. Hajee already had good branding due to its years of Quality and Reliable Service. Mr Rabbi is ready to take Hajee's Branding to the next level.